About Me

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I'm 39 years olds and I'm just trying to find my place in the world. I've had a few careers, owned a few businesses, and overcame a few challenges. Now, after an entire life-time of trying my hardest to be who and what I thought everybody else wanted me to be, I'm finally ready to be myself. The fun part is uncovering who that is.

Monday, October 17, 2011

which bed to pick? best friend issues? ghosts in attendance?

i didn't get a chance to take the mv to the mechanic so i'll probably do it wednesday since i'm going out of town tomorrow. it's only 35 minutes away but i'm getting dental work done and going to see my ex in lockup so i'm not sure what time i'll be back home.  i'm trying to take care of everything medical and dental now so i won't have any issues when i leave next year.  one good thing about having served my country is that i have access to any va hospital or center in the country but i would rather not visit any if at all possible.

i'm trying to decide between two zone chairs from walmart. they come in pink, navy, green, and black. while i adore the pink color, it's just too bright and cheerful in such a small space. the green is cute, not as bright, and cheery as well as calming but not as bright is still bright.  i want to keep a low profile and if i open my side door for some reason, the green is going to shout "hi! look at me! i'm a bed!" so that leaves the black and navy. black is just too boring. i don't want to feel like i'm in a cavern or crypt.  that leaves the blue. it's pretty color. it won't screen "look at me" if i open the door. it's the sensible choice. problem is, i don't want to be sensible. my heart says go for the green while my head says go for the blue. what do you think?

i'm also looking at toilets and stuff but i think the bed is the most important item. i read somewhere that no matter what, you have to be able to get a good night's sleep.

on another note, i've fallen out with my bestest, yet again. i love her but this girl is about a dependable as a hurricane. i'm having outpatient surgery on friday and i asked her 3 weeks ago if she would be able to drive me home since they won't let me drive myself. she said yes. i brought it up to her last week and she reconfirmed. then yesterday she told me she would have to check her schedule to see if she was available friday. i'm like wtf?!! i said never mind, my ex-hubby would do it (he's still one of my best friends).

i'm so tired of never being able to depend on this girl. it was my fault for even asking her since i know her character. she's notorious for going back on her word if she commits to something. i just never thought she would do it to me. along with some other stuff she's pulled, i'm ready to let this friendship die a natural death. she's moving two states away next month anyway so i won't try too hard to keep in touch. it's sad because i really do love her and she does have some good qualities, just not enough to offset her negative ones. i'll hold on to the memories and love her from a distance.

that's about it for me but i do want to note one thing. on two separate occasions i've walked into my living room and the blinds over the living room window were pulled up. i didn't pull them up and there's no one else here but maku. no one has visited or anything. i'm really hoping that maku is pulling the strings somehow and raising the blinds himself, since he loves to sit in that window. if not, i don't know what's going on. i have an alarm system but it's been having a few issues lately. hopefully this will straighten itself out without me having to clock someone or call 911.

have a great night. be blessed.

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